

Teaching philosophy

Through clear, open communication I aim to engage students in analytical thinking, to encourage them to become open-minded individuals, and to motivate them to critically reflect upon the world in which they live. 

Anthropology is a discipline that offers a different view on the world, and on societal developments and questions. My goal in teaching is communicating this different perspective to students. I reach this goal by developing interactive and activation teaching methods, centered on providing space for students to grow.

I teach courses in cultural anthropology and religious studies. I aim to integrate both disciplines in an interdisciplinary manner

Previous experiences as a tutor and lecturer at different universities in Australia and the Netherlands have been nothing but positive for me, my students and my direct colleagues. I have received positive feedback from students regarding my enthusiasm while teaching, my personal style in approaching students, and my talent to create a positive and safe class environment in which students feel motivated to contribute to discussions. 

In October 2018 I was awarded my University Teaching Qualification. 

Department of Cultural Anthropology, Utrecht University (Netherlands)

Political anthropology [BA1, 2022]

Globalisation and sociocultural complexity [BA1, 2022]

Anthropology of Sustainability [BA2, 2022]

Religion, media and popular culture [BA3, 2021]

Academic writing [BA1/premaster, 2021]

Department of Anthropology, University College Utrecht (Netherlands)

Introduction to anthropology [BA1, 2019]

Department of Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands)

Academic skills [BA1, 2018]

Advanced research methods [MA, 2018]

Gender, power and borders [BA2, 2018]

Research design [MA, 2018]

Orientation on the job market [BA2, 2018]

Regional specialisations: Asia [BA1, 2018]

Culture and mobility [BA2, 2017]

Department of Anthropology, Macquarie University Sydney (Australia)

Justice and Development [BA3, 2015; tutor]

Human Evolution [BA1, 2015; tutor]

Anthropology of the City [BA3, 2014; tutor]

Department of Religious Studies, University College Utrecht (Netherlands)

Global religions [BA1, 2018]

Department of Religious Studies, University of Utrecht (Netherlands)

Introduction to religious studies [BA1, 2018]

Postmodern religiosity in Europa [MA, 2018]

Religion in the Netherlands [BA2, 2018]

Department of Comparative Religious Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands)

New religious movements [BA1, 2018]

Christianity and popular culture [minor, 2017, 2018]

Department of Cultural Anthropology, University of Groningen (Netherlands)

BA thesis supervision [2022: 6 students]

MA thesis supervision [2022: 3 students]

Department of Religious Studies, University of Groningen (Netherlands)

MA thesis supervision [2021: 1 student]

Department of Religious Studies, University of Utrecht (Netherlands)

BA thesis supervision [2019: 1 student]

Department of Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands)

BA thesis supervision [2017: 9 students; 2018: 8 students]

MA thesis supervision [2017: 2 students]

BA2 research supervision [2017: 12 students; 2018: 18 students]

Department of Liberal Arts and Science, University of Utrecht (Netherlands)

Multidisciplinary project: Globalisation [BA1, 2019]

Think Academy [BA2, 2019]

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