With Sonja Kmec
With Danielle House, Vevila Dornelles, Helena Nordt, and Farjana Islam
With Hannah Gould
With Christoph Jedan and Eric Venbrux
With Marian Burchardt
Maddrell, A., Kmec, S., Uteng, T. & Westendorp, M. (Eds.). (2023). Mobilities in Life and Death: Negotiating Room for Migrants and Minorities in European Cemeteries. Springer. Open access: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-28284-3
House, D. & Westendorp, M. (with Madrell, A.). (2023). New Perspectives on Urban Deathscapes: Continuity, Change and Contestation. Edward Elgar. https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/new-perspectives-on-urban-deathscapes-9781802202380.html
Westendorp, M., Remmert, D. & Finnis, K. (Eds.). (2020). Aspirations of Young Adults in Urban Asia: Values, Family and Identity. Berghahn Books. https://berghahnbooks.com/title/WestendorpAspirations.
Boender, W., E. Dwarswaard, & M. Westendorp (2011). Religie en Ontwikkeling: Handreikingen voor de Praktijk. Kenniscentrum Religie en Ontwikkeling.
Book chapters
Westendorp, M. & S. Kmec. (2023). Cemeteries as Translocal Contact Zones: Navigating Regulations, Unwritten Rules and Divergent Expectations in Luxembourg-City. In A. Maddrell, S. Kmec, T. Priya Uteng & M. Westendorp (Eds.), Mobilities in Life and Death: Negotiating Room for Migrants and Minorities in European Cemeteries, 43-64. Springer. Open access: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-28284-3
Maddrell, A., S. Kmec, T. Priya Uteng, & M. Westendorp. (2023). Introduction: Migration, Death and Mobilities. In A. Maddrell, S. Kmec, T. Priya Uteng & M. Westendorp (Eds.), Mobilities in Life and Death: Negotiating Room for Migrants and Minorities in European Cemeteries, 1-17. Springer. Open access: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-28284-3
House, D., M. Westendorp, V. Dornelles, H. Nordh & F. Islam. (2023). Adapting to 'One-Size-Fits-All': Constructing Appropriate Islamic Burial Spaces in Northwest Europe. In D. House & M. Westendorp (Eds.), New Perspectives on Urban Deathscapes: Continuity, Change and Contestation, 124-143. Edward Elgar.
Westendorp, M., & D. House. (2023). Introduction: Continuity, Change and Contestation in Urban Deathscapes. In D. House & M. Westendorp (Eds.), New Perspectives on Urban Deathscapes: Continuity, Change and Contestation, 1-19. Edward Elgar.
Jedan, C., Westendorp, M., & Venbrux, E. (2023). The Arts of Inclusion and Exclusion: Funerary Art Taken from the Example of the Municipal Cemetery Tongerseweg Maastricht. In B. Lambrecht & M. Wendling (Eds.), Grief, Identity and the Arts: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Expressions of Grief, 16-32. Brill.
Westendorp, M., D. Remmert, & K. Finis. (2020). Introduction: A Theoretical Framework for Exploring Aspirations of Youth in Urban Asia. In M. Westendorp, D. Remmert & K. Finis (Eds.), Aspirations of Young Adults in Urban Asia: Values, Family & Identity, 1-13. Berghahn Books.
Westendorp, M. (2020). Transcending Aspirations: Buddhism and the Quest for Belonging in Urban Hong Kong. In M. Westendorp, D. Remmert & K. Finis (Eds.), Aspirations of Young Adults in Urban Asia: Values, Family & Identity, 1-13. Berghahn Books.
Westendorp, M. (2019). De Stad: Broedplaats voor Religie. In J. Wagemakers & L. Van Liere (Eds.), Wie is er Bang voor Religie: Waarom Kennis van Religie Belangrijk is, 93-100. Parthenon.
Westendorp, M. (2019). Veganisme als Nieuwe Vorm van Religie? In J. Wagemakers & L. Van Liere (Eds.), Wie is er Bang voor Religie: Waarom Kennis van Religie Belangrijk is, 160-167. Parthenon.
Westendorp, M. (2019). Moderne Religie in Politiek Hong Kong. In J. Wagemakers & L. Van Liere (Eds.), Wie is er Bang voor Religie: Waarom Kennis van Religie Belangrijk is, 174-180 Parthenon.
Westendorp, M. (2017). Salvation and Rights in Hong Kong. In C. Kuo (Ed.), Religion and Nationalism in Chinese Societies, 397-421. Amsterdam University Press.
Westendorp, M. (2017). Fixed Religious Mediations in a Dense Cityscape: Experiences of Catholic and Buddhist Spaces in Hong Kong. In P. Margry & V. Hegner (Eds.), Spiritualizing the City: Agency and Resilience of the Urbanesque Habitat, 102-114. Routledge.
Peer-reviewed articles
Westendorp, M. & H. Gould. (2021). Re-feminizing Death: Gender, Spirituality and Death Care in the Anthropocene. Religions. https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/12/8/667.
Westendorp, M. (2020). Doing Good: Local and Global Understandings of Buddhism in Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement. Journal of Global Buddhism (special issue: Bad Buddhism), 21, 223-239. http://www.globalbuddhism.org/jgb/index.php/jgb/.
Jedan, C., Kmec, S., Kolnberger, T., Venbrux, E. and Westendorp, M. (2020). Co-Creating Ritual Spaces and Communities: An Analysis of Municipal Cemetery Tongerseweg, Maastricht, 1812–2020. Religions (special issue: Exploring ritual fields today), 11(9). https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/11/9/435/htm.
Burchardt, M., Westendorp, M. (2018). The Im-Materiality of Urban Religion: Towards an Ethnography of Urban Religious Aspirations. Culture and Religion, 19(2), 160-176.
Westendorp, M. (2018). Individual Expressions of Familial Rituals: Buddhist and Anglican Ways of Paying Respect to Ancestors in Contemporary Hong Kong. Journal of Ritual Studies, 32(2), 43-54.
Westendorp, M. (2017). Belonging to a Global Family of God in Hong Kong: The Relevance of Religion in Facing an Uncertain Future. Asian Anthropology, 16(2), 116-132.
Kleuskens, E., F. School, S. Thijs, E. Venbrux & M. Westendorp (2010). A Spiritual Contact Zone: Re-Inventing Ritual Space in the Netherlands. Jaarboek voor Liturgie-Onderzoek, 13(26), 43-57.
Book reviews
Westendorp, M. (2023). Schorch, Philipp, Martin Saxer and Marlen Elders: Exploring Materiality and Connectivity in Anthropology and Beyond. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 31(3), 118-120.
Westendorp, M. (2023). David Morgan: The Thing About Religion: An Introduction to the Material Study of Religions. Reading Religion. The Thing about Religion - Reading Religion.
Westendorp, M. (2022). Yuhang Li: Becoming Guanyin: Artistic Devotion of Buddhist Women in Late Imperial China. Reading Religion. Becoming Guanyin - Reading Religion.
Westendorp, M. (2021). Andrea Marion Pinkney and John Whalen-Bridge: Religious Journeys in India: Pilgrims, Tourists, and Travellers. Tulasi Srinivas: The Cow in the Elevator: An Anthropology of Wonder. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 27(1), 168-170.
Westendorp, M. (2021). Understanding Indian Religion on Its Own Terms. Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute. https://rai.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1467-9655.13431.
Westendorp, M. (2021). Julia Cassaniti: Remembering the Present: Mindfulness in Buddhist Asia. Reading Religion. https://readingreligion.org/books/remembering-present.
Westendorp, M. (2020). Brenda Mathijssen and Claudia Venhorst: Funerary Practices in the Netherlands. Mortality. www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13576275.2020.1865296.
Westendorp, M. (2020). Adam Kaul and Jonathan Skinner: Leisure and Death: An Anthropological Tour of Risk, Death and Dying. Anthropology Book Forum. https://www.anthropology-news.org/?book-review=leisurely-enjoying-death.
Westendorp, M. (2020). Roy Amore, Amir Hussain and Willard Oxtoby: World Religions: Eastern Traditions. Reading Religion https://readingreligion.org/books/world-religions-eastern-traditions.
Westendorp, M. (2019). Laura Grillo, Adriaan van Klinken and Hassan Ndzovu: Religions in Contemporary Africa: An Introduction. Reading Religion. https://readingsreligion.org/books/religions-contemporary-africa.
Westendorp, M. (2019). James Bielo: Materializing the Bible (Digital Project). Religion and Society, 10: 171.
Westendorp, M. (2019). Barbara Graham: Death, Materiality and Mediation: An Ethnography of Remembrance in Ireland. Reading Religion. http://readingreligion.org/books/death-materiality-and-mediation.
Westendorp, M. (2019). Bernardo Brown & Brenda Yeoh (Eds.): Asian Migrants and Religious Experience: Journeys to Labor Mobility. Reading Religion. http://www.readingreligion.org/books/asian-migrants-and-religiousexperience.
Westendorp, M. (2018). James Bielo: Ark Encounter: The Making of a Creationist Theme Park. Reading Religion. http://readingreligion.org/books/ark-encounter.
Westendorp, M. (2018). Vanessa Reimer (ed.): Angels on Earth: Mothering, Religion, and Spirituality. Religion & Gender, 8(1), 140-142.
Westendorp, M. (2018). Justin Tse, Jonathan Tan (Eds.): Theological Reflections on the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement. Reading Religion. http://readingreligion.org/books/theological-reflections-hong-kong-umbrella-movement.
Westendorp, M. (2017). Sarah-Jane Page, Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip: Understanding Young Buddhists: Living out Ethical Journeys. Reading Religion. http://readingreligion.org/books/understanding-young-buddhists.
Westendorp, M. (2016). Peter van der Veer (Ed.): Handbook of Religion and the Asian City: Aspiration and Urbanization in the Twenty-First Century. Review of Religious Research, 58(4), 579-580.
Westendorp, M. (2020). Islamitisch Begraven op Riyad Al Jannah, Zuidlaren. Terebinth december 2020, 23-24.
Westendorp, M. & E. Venbrux. (2020). Het Molukse Gedeelte op Begraafplaats Heer. Terebinth september 2020, 23-24.
Westendorp, M. & C. Jedan. (2020). Het Behouden Waard: Islamitische Ggraven in Maastricht. Terebinth, maart 2020, 26-27.
Mathijssen, B., M. Hoondert, N. Lemos Dekker, Y. Van der Pijl, M. Westendorp, C. Klaufus, J. Bruin-Molenhorst, J. Arfman, W. Collin & R. Visser. (2020). In de Greep van de Dood: Sterven en Afscheid in Tijden van Corona. Bij Nader Inzien. https://bijnaderinzien.com/2020/04/28/inde-greep-van-de-dood-sterven-en-afscheid-in-tijden-van-corona/.
Westendorp, M. & E. Venbrux. (2019). Introductie HERA-Project: Onderzoek naar Funerair Erfgoed van Migranten. Terebinth december 2019, 24.
Walles, B. & M. Westendorp. (2019). Museum Park Orientalis. https://www.materializingthebible.com/museum-park-orientalis.html.
Westendorp, M. (2017). Van Voedende Oppergodin tot Moeder Gods: Maria ligt al eeuwen in ons DNA verscholen. Volzin juni 2017, 18-20.
Westendorp, M. (2017). Hongkong: Hopen op Meer Democratie. Geografie. https://geografie.nl/artikel/hongkong-hopen-op-meer-democratie.
Westendorp, M. (2015). Socially Engaged Religion and the Umbrella Movement: Buddhist and Christian Interpretations of the Hong Kong Protests. http://www.aaanet.org/sections/seaa/2015/06/buddhist-and-christian-interpretations-ofthe-hong-kong-protests/.